By the end of this module, you should be able to:
Lesson 1: Background: What Is Reciprocity?
- Define the concept of reciprocity and explain how it applies to research, specifically in hazards and disaster settings.
- Provide examples of how researchers can practice reciprocity across the disaster cycle.
Lesson 2: Reciprocity in Hazards and Disaster Research
- Explain why reciprocity may be an ethical obligation for researchers.
- Describe how reciprocity can increase trust between researchers and disaster-affected people and communities.
- Explain how reciprocity can help to alleviate the effects of power imbalances between researchers and participants.
- Identify how reciprocity strengthens hazards and disaster research and can help improve its relevance.
Lesson 3: Challenges and Considerations for Practicing Reciprocity
- Anticipate the potential challenges associated with reciprocity in research and consider the difficulties that may be unique to disaster contexts.
- Offer examples of potential unintended consequences of reciprocity.
- Define reflexivity and explain how researchers can engage in reflexivity to enhance reciprocity.
- Recognize the importance of time and flexibility in reciprocal relationships.
- Describe research methods that can help foster reciprocity.
Lesson 4: Strategies and Opportunities for Reciprocity in Research
- Generate strategies to effectively practice reciprocity in hazards and disaster research.
- Identify opportunities to strengthen discussions of reciprocity across academic disciplines in disaster research.
At the close of the module, you will have the opportunity to take a 10-question quiz. If you get 8 out of 10 questions correct, you will receive a certificate of completion for the CONVERGE Reciprocity in Hazards and Disaster Research Training Module.